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 Real stateApplication 
Nr.Date and time of applicationFirst name(GDPR)Country (vehicle registration code)City / townWebsiteArrived?Pedaling driversPedal MoskvitchesOther pedal carsBig (real) Moskvitches or IzhesOther big oldtimer vehiclesStarting numbers - pedalStarting numbers - bigPersons in total… pedaling driversPedal MoskvitchesOther pedal carsBig (real) Moskvitches or IzhesOther big oldtimer vehiclesLanguages which I understandOther public info or note (e.g. brand and type of vehicle)Distance ca.
 Real stateApplication 
Nr.Date and time of applicationFirst name(GDPR)Country (vehicle registration code)City / townWebsiteArrived?Pedaling driversPedal MoskvitchesOther pedal carsBig (real) Moskvitches or IzhesOther big oldtimer vehiclesStarting numbers - pedalStarting numbers - bigPersons in total… pedaling driversPedal MoskvitchesOther pedal carsBig (real) Moskvitches or IzhesOther big oldtimer vehiclesLanguages which I understandOther public info or note (e.g. brand and type of vehicle)Distance ca.
12013-03-06 03:33:30MartinAdCZNáchodwww.adamek.cz111100001Mikrobus Škoda 12030
22013-03-11 06:44:32MilošAdCZPardubice1131200100
32013-03-11 12:14:30Marián GoSKBranč1112311000SK,IT330
42013-03-11 18:42:29LubošBaCZNáchod1111307, -101010
52013-03-11 19:49:14PavelKrCZHorní Počaplywww.minory.cz111138, 3936411100
62013-03-11 20:12:29JanKoCZPhaforum.predseda.com11116311000
72013-03-11 20:33:29JiříCZRychnov nad Kněžnou1114037411000CZ
82013-03-11 21:21:02JiříRaCZNáchod1116, 79201101šlapací Felicie!!
92013-03-11 21:50:00PavelAdCZNáchod1221056, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63-202211ru
102013-03-12 21:07:19Huien LinhDoVNPardubice11132310100Vietnam, CZ
112013-03-13 08:09:05Georg W.PoCHZürichhttp://pollak-presse.tatraportal.sk0322001Ella und Andrin freuenen sich schon
122013-03-14 14:25:27EgidijusMiLTKaunas11-200100RU720
132013-03-15 20:39:28TomášVoCZPraha 5 - Zbraslav0301000220
142013-03-16 22:54:21VašíkSeCZDubany311000
152013-03-18 10:30:32Štěpán PaCZKamenice212000český40
 Real stateApplication 
Nr.Date and time of applicationFirst name(GDPR)Country (vehicle registration code)City / townWebsiteArrived?Pedaling driversPedal MoskvitchesOther pedal carsBig (real) Moskvitches or IzhesOther big oldtimer vehiclesStarting numbers - pedalStarting numbers - bigPersons in total… pedaling driversPedal MoskvitchesOther pedal carsBig (real) Moskvitches or IzhesOther big oldtimer vehiclesLanguages which I understandOther public info or note (e.g. brand and type of vehicle)Distance ca.
162013-03-21 06:32:22palouhSKseneccert996@azet.sk311000slovensky
172013-03-23 13:10:42ZdenekŠtCZŠternberk311000
182013-03-23 20:13:04JosefHoCZPrahawww.hhorakova.cz101010CZ
192013-03-26 20:32:03JiřinaSoCZNáměšť nad Oslavou311000
202013-03-26 22:27:40KamilMuCZBrnomk3.ic.cz421100130
212013-03-27 10:15:51DušanPeCZPraha411010
222013-04-01 11:21:26lukasbiCZkostelec nad labem421100česky
232013-04-02 12:55:33MartinŠoCZDvůr Králové nad Labem311001Snad stihnu Simcu 1301 zprovoznit
242013-04-02 21:05:51JaroslavKyCZKopřivnice-200010češtinaMoskvič 2140
252013-04-04 09:37:06BohumilRoCZChrudim422000
262013-04-04 18:32:30ZigmundsBoLVIecavawww.moskvichclub@inbox.lv100010Moskvich 408
272013-04-04 19:25:44IlgvarsBeLVRigawww.moskvichclub@inbox.lv200010ruMoskvich 412 AZLK(1974)890
282013-04-04 19:28:18Māris KrLVRigawww.moskvichclub@inbox.lv200010RU,PLMoskvich 412 Iž(1979)890
292013-04-13 11:01:43TomášOrCZJablonec nad Nisou211000CZ70
302013-04-15 17:33:54HynekNaCZNáchod311000
 Real stateApplication 
Nr.Date and time of applicationFirst name(GDPR)Country (vehicle registration code)City / townWebsiteArrived?Pedaling driversPedal MoskvitchesOther pedal carsBig (real) Moskvitches or IzhesOther big oldtimer vehiclesStarting numbers - pedalStarting numbers - bigPersons in total… pedaling driversPedal MoskvitchesOther pedal carsBig (real) Moskvitches or IzhesOther big oldtimer vehiclesLanguages which I understandOther public info or note (e.g. brand and type of vehicle)Distance ca.
312013-04-16 07:08:52PavelUlCZČeské Budějovice411000310
322013-04-21 08:27:36ValdasŠvLTSalantai0100000LT,RUM-2140
332013-04-21 16:51:45MiroslavŠuCZPardubice400001Tatra 613 (chromka)
342013-04-28 16:34:11AlešTeCZOstrava100000
352013-04-30 20:07:06Matej HiCZPraha 9-210102CZ
362013-05-01 18:55:51JosefCZPardubice03000010Volga GAZ M2150
372013-05-06 11:00:39HonzíkŠiCZHradec Králové411000
382013-05-11 21:34:36RadekBaCZNáchoídbalcirka@seznam.cz831200
392013-05-13 15:10:01MartinVaCZHoštka411100
402013-05-13 21:30:22JosefNoCZBystré411001CZŠ1203 Camp Dvanoušek40
412013-05-16 16:50:21KirillTaRUSMoskva1000001530
422013-05-16 23:59:48VladimírPrCZPraha421000
432013-05-17 20:32:24OndřejMaCZNáchod210100
442013-05-18 07:15:48janMaCZLitomyšl311000
452013-05-19 08:47:39Uģis HaLVJelgavawww.moskvichclub@inbox.lv200010LV,RUSMoskvich 2137
 Real stateApplication 
Nr.Date and time of applicationFirst name(GDPR)Country (vehicle registration code)City / townWebsiteArrived?Pedaling driversPedal MoskvitchesOther pedal carsBig (real) Moskvitches or IzhesOther big oldtimer vehiclesStarting numbers - pedalStarting numbers - bigPersons in total… pedaling driversPedal MoskvitchesOther pedal carsBig (real) Moskvitches or IzhesOther big oldtimer vehiclesLanguages which I understandOther public info or note (e.g. brand and type of vehicle)Distance ca.
462013-05-19 08:53:53AldisReLVsaulkrastiwww.moskvichclub@inbox.lv400020Moskvich 2140,Iž2151
472013-05-19 08:57:39EdgarsKrLVCēsiswww.moskvichclub@inbox.lv200010LV,RUSIž 412
482013-05-21 15:52:47JanaKuCZVysokov420200
492013-05-21 20:45:13VladimírNeCZBrnowww.spartaky.cz100101CZ, SK. GB, RU, PL, Škoda 440 - Spartak 1958 s replikou laminátového prototypu Š440-Roadster od TDV - r.v. 1958-9 130
502013-05-22 21:02:50MartinJeCZVamberk210100CZ
512013-05-23 15:49:02TomasMaLTVilnius310000Russian, English
522013-05-23 16:32:46OndřejKoCZPraha 8 - Kobylisy410100šlapací tříkolka r.v. asi 1955
532013-05-23 19:22:44JosefHeCZPraha311010CZ,SK,Moskvich 2140 r.v. 1976
542013-05-25 12:52:17LiborKlCZČervený Kostelec311000
552013-05-26 07:21:14ŠtěpánŠeCZProvodov411000
562013-05-28 19:22:05RobertKrPLCzęstochowa411200
572013-05-31 08:45:10VeronikaPrCZN.Město n.Metují0310100CZ0
582013-05-31 14:36:31Miroslav RiCZHradec Královémirarind@centrum.cz101000
592013-06-04 15:00:04VladislavŠpCZDvůr Králové nad Labem321100
602013-06-06 13:54:00WojciechGoPLOLKUSZ411000240
 Real stateApplication 
Nr.Date and time of applicationFirst name(GDPR)Country (vehicle registration code)City / townWebsiteArrived?Pedaling driversPedal MoskvitchesOther pedal carsBig (real) Moskvitches or IzhesOther big oldtimer vehiclesStarting numbers - pedalStarting numbers - bigPersons in total… pedaling driversPedal MoskvitchesOther pedal carsBig (real) Moskvitches or IzhesOther big oldtimer vehiclesLanguages which I understandOther public info or note (e.g. brand and type of vehicle)Distance ca.
Suma8 1714740231311 Max: 1530

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    ADÁMEK, Martin. Applications. Pedal Vehicles – International Meeting [online]. Náchod (Czech Republic) [cited 2025-03-19]. Available from:

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    ADÁMEK, Martin. Pedal Vehicles – International Meeting [online]. Náchod (Czech Republic) [cited 2025-03-19]. Available from: