Mezinárodní sraz šlapacích autíček (Moskvičů) Pedal Vehicles – International Meeting
Czech Republic, Náchod, 8. 6. 2013

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2014 – another website: (jiný web, nový panel)
This original website will be available as archive of first two years, but I am not able to engage in long-term preparation of 3rd year or this website administration now.
Martin Adámek, Náchod


Again the largest children´s traffic park in the Czech Republic
(in case of rain in ice hockey arena)

Moskvichs and other cars are welcomed,
tractors, formulas and other pedal cars with steering wheel .

With or without driver!
Or you can only watch.

When and where

Czech Republic, Náchod, 8th June 2013second year
GPS coordinate of traffic park ("Kapitána Jaroše" street):
(registration of participants will be here in any weather)
50.421799N, 16.188533E.
View at (jiný web, nový panel), (jiný web, nový panel).


Our facebook page (jiný web, nový panel)

Do not hesitate with application

Everybody, who will arrive to meeting with pedal car or with real old time car:

  • On registration till the end of March 2013 will receive 3 free coupons
  • On registration till the end of April 2013 will receive 2 free coupons
  • On registration till 25th May 2013 will receive 1 free coupon
  • On registration on 26th May and later will receive no coupon, and v in this case we can not guarantee any gift for a child.

From given coupons will be chosen 5 registrated persons, which will receive 1 model of car each on a scale 1:24.

Posters (Fliers)

English (format pdf)

Posters in other languages

Fee and other information

  • Participation at meeting (with children pedal car or with real oldtimer vehicle) gratis.
  • Entrance fee for spectators (visitors) optional.
  • Změna a úprava programu vyhrazena. Vstup i účast jsou na vlastní odpovědnost. Akce může být fotograficky a audiovizuálně zaznamenávána za účelem dokumentace a propagace.
  • Akci pořádá Moskvič klub ČR a některé doprovodné programy zajišťují hosté.

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What's up where?
Other people's events and newies out of the website

  • 18. 8. Výstava veteránů Police nad Metují
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    ADÁMEK, Martin. Pedal Vehicles – International Meeting: Czech Republic, Náchod, 8. 6. 2013. Pedal Vehicles – International Meeting [online]. Náchod (Czech Republic) [cited 2025-03-19]. Available from:

    Whole site

    ADÁMEK, Martin. Pedal Vehicles – International Meeting [online]. Náchod (Czech Republic) [cited 2025-03-19]. Available from: